Become a private donor

Contribute to cultural entrepreneurship
The contributions of our donors are indispensable in supporting artists. Thanks to your support, many artists can benefit from our interest-free loans each year. This allows them to further develop their artistic practice, and you contribute to cultural development.


You can donate to Fonds Kwadraat in various ways:

Private donation

Starting from €7,500:

  • One-time gift or
  • Starting from €1,500 per year, committed for 5 years in a periodic donation agreement

Personalized Fund

Starting from €25,000:

  • One-time gift or
  • Starting from €5,000 per year, committed for 5 years in a periodic donation agreement


Besides the benefits associated with the Fonds Kwadraat Benefactor Circle, we offer you the opportunity to designate a name of your choice for the Personalized Funds objective. The specific implementation of this objective will be discussed in consultation with our director. We would be pleased to have a conversation with you to discuss your preferences.


As a private donor, you will experience cultural entrepreneurship up close and become a member of the Fonds Kwadraat Private Donor Circle. You will receive an exclusive invitation for studio visits four times a year, where artists who have received our financial support will give you a special behind-the-scenes glimpse and share stories about the development of their artistic practice.


In addition, we invite you annually to the Fonds Kwadraat Dinner in the presence of visual artists, photographers, and designers who have also been supported by us. They are happy to tell you more about their art practice, the impact of their loan and share their plans for the future. This way you will not only meet talented artists supported by Fonds Kwadraat, but also other art lovers and collectors.

Donor Collective

Tax benefits

Donating to Fonds Kwadraat offers fiscal benefits for both national and international benefactors. Fonds Kwadraat is a Cultural ANBI (Public Benefit Organization), making it eligible for the Gift Act. The amounts are based on a personal income tax rate of 52%, and the current Gift Act allows for a 125% deduction on donations. For more information on the Gift Act, please visit the tax authorities’ website.


More information about the Giving Act can be found on the website of the tax authorities. Download the periodic donation agreement and payment authorization form here.


An example of the deduction of donations from Fonds Kwadraat:

  • Contribution of 7,500 euros
  • Net donation costs € 2,625
  • Multiplier 125% x €7,500 = €9,375
  • At a 52% tax rate, the deduction is € 4,875

Become a member of the Donor Collective

Would you like to become a member of the Fonds Kwadraat Private Donor Collective or do you have any questions? Please contact Gili Crouwel, via or +31 (0)20 6255112

Contact us